Three programs with the flexibility to advance your careers.
Pursue your career with a program for teacher preparation and initial licensure program which leads to a Master of Arts in teaching. This program is the first teacher preparation program to earn approval with distinction from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
Or pursue a dual degree M.Ed./Ed.S. in School Psychology that prepares graduates to deliver essential behavioral health services, or our third program an Ed.D. in transformative education with our low-residency Ed.D. program that allows students to continue working full-time while pursuing their doctorate.
Or perhaps an Ed.D. in Transformative Education, which is designed for education professionals committed to equity and social justice, who seek to become agents of change in their fields.

Master's in Teaching (MAT)
Our intensive one-year program begins in May. By August, and for the remainder of the program, you will be fully immersed at one of five partner schools in Main South Worcester, guided by faculty engaged in research into new approaches to teaching and learning.

M.Ed./Ed.S. in School Psychology
This dual degree prepares graduates to deliver essential behavioral health services that make a difference in the lives of ethnically, culturally, and linguistically diverse students.

Ed.D. in Transformative Education
Designed for education professionals committed to equity and social justice, who seek to become agents of change in their fields. This program supports practitioners by enhancing their practice through academic scholarship and practitioner inquiry.